The Society of Pius IX
The Society of Pius IX is a fraternity of clergy and religious with origins in the Anglo-Papalist and Roman Catholic traditions. It endeavors to provide a faithful witness to Apostolic Doctrine and Discipline particularly as regards Matrimony and Holy Orders and works towards the restoration of the Church to unity of structure, doctrine, and discipline within the spiritually generous framework articulated by St. Vincent of Lerins in his Commonitorium as well as the Canons of Trullo.
The Society provides fellowship and collegial oversight to clergy serving parochial ministries, chaplaincies, and missions in the catholic tradition. In order to pursue our mission, the Society provides its clergy with continual theological and liturgical training and resources, conferences, and helps coordinate with parishes who seek clergymen.
We affirm the fullness of the Catholic faith, with a special emphasis upon tradition and patrimony as promulgated by the Holy See.